The results came through for the SpacecoasT Authors of Romance 2007 Launching a Star contest yesterday. I'm happy to report a YA author, Susan Sipal, won overall (there were several categories). Hooray for Susan! As part of her prize, she'll have a star named in her honour.
Here are the results for the YA section, judged by Allison Brandau of
Berkley/Jove and Elaine Spencer of
The Knight Agency:
Winner Southern Fried Wiccan
Susan SipalFinalistsDenise Jaden
Vanessa Barneveld
(Hey, that's me! Yay!)Kimberly Duffy
Tanya T. Holmes
Congratulations to all the fabulous winners and finalists. And a special thank you to the judges.
The full list of winners will soon be posted